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Space between radial buttons

asked on June 25, 2014

How would I change the length of the radial buttons so that there is not so much space between them?



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replied on June 25, 2014

two ways:

1. Change it to 3 or 4 columns instead of two column view. This will give them tighter spacing even though you do not have 3 or 4 options.


2. You make the options side by side and use 


to give spacing between the options. I usually use the option to give a value to these options when I use the side by side thing with the space annotation

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replied on June 25, 2014

Are you using any custom CSS rules with that field? By default, the radio buttons should be closer together. You can also adjust this by making these input boxes narrower.

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replied on June 25, 2014

Thanks Kenneth, I dont know why I didnt use the side by side option to begin with.


Eric that is some good information that I will probably end up using in the future so thank you for that as well.

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