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fi-7160 PaperStream with ScanConnect issues

asked on June 17, 2014

I have a client that just installed their first Fujitsu fi-7160 PaperStream scanner and configured it for use with ISIS using Scanconnect 8.3.  They are using LF Client 9.0.3 on Windows 7 pro x86 (32 bit).  The monochrome scanning works great and is speedy.  But if they try to scan color or grayscale, the resulting image is only about 1/4 inch tall and just a scramble of pixels.  Anyone else having any issues with color or grayscale scanning on the PaperStream scanners with ScanConnect?


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replied on June 18, 2014

is there a reason why that they are still using scan connect rather then Twain > Paper stream?

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replied on July 1, 2014

Hi Bert,


A good test here would be to scan in colour using the ISIS driver into another application and see if you experience the same issue. This way you can be sure if it's a scanner driver issue or a Laserfiche issue. If it's a Laserfiche issue I would raise a case with LF support.


Hope this helps!

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replied on December 16, 2014

Fujitsu has released an updated PaperStream IP (ISIS) driver for this scanner. The new driver can be downloaded from here. The version is 1.10.01411.19001 and was released on 12/8/2014. Please uninstall the old driver and download/install this new driver. We've tested it against the latest Laserfiche Client/Scanning 9.2.0 with ScanConnect 8.3 and had no issues scanning in B/W, Grayscale, and Color at 200, 300, and 600 DPI.

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