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Assigning Independent Field Values

asked on June 9, 2014

I have a workflow where I have a template that has a Due Date.  However, part way through the workflow, the Template get's changed.  However, I use a Retrieve Field Values and want the due date to stay with the document although it's not a part of the newly assigned template, however, the Due date does not show up under the Assign Field Values in the Metadata properties after running through the Workflow.  Any thoughts?



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replied on June 9, 2014

Who changes the  template? How is the workflow above triggered?

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replied on June 10, 2014

Template is changed by a user.  The Workflow is triggered by launching a business process in the client (highlighting the documents, then selecting the business process to run).

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replied on June 10, 2014

If the user changes the template first, then triggers the business process, then the previous field values are no longer accessible.

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replied on June 10, 2014


The Folder that the documents are when they're template is changed contains the metadata for the Due Date.  If I do a FInd Entry (find the folder the documents are in) and then do a Retrieve Field Values...why when I run the business process would it not grab the Due Date from the Template Assigned to the folder and apply that to the newly moved documents?

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replied on June 10, 2014

I'm confused...if your workflow starts on the documents, where do you find the field info on the parent folder? The screenshot above has a Retrieve Field Values activity at the beginning, so I would assume that reads from the starting doc, not the parent?

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replied on June 10, 2014

Sorry....I added that after I posted the screenshot...see my new screenshot.

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