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Medical Auditing

asked on May 13, 2014

We are doing medical coding and processing with Laserfiche, and we are looking for a way to be able to audit the visits on several different criteria all within the same Laserfiche template. I have attached our current template and a sample of what we need to audit. The way we are doing this now is with sticky notes, and just writing in codes we created in the Coding/De Def. fields. We would like to be able to incorporate the auditing practice within the template, so we can export the metadata into excel and then grade each audited visit, but we are unsure of the best way to do this. The item that has caused the most problems is we need to be able to show a coder had an error with an ICD-9 and how many times it occurred, but if they didn’t have that error, it wouldn’t show up. If we had a way to select one of the coding criteria and then add number of errors would be perfect.


audit criteria.PNG
CTT.PNG (26.36 KB)
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replied on May 13, 2014

How are all these fields going to be used for searching and sorting documents? Are you planning to group large numbers of documents by any given field you have in this template?


If not then it might be best if most of this data goes within the document itself (spreadsheet / form / etc) and only relevant metadata assigned.


I didn't understand the question about the error. If there was no error it sounds normal for it not to show up. Is this in Laserfiche or another application?


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replied on May 14, 2014

Your first question is kind of irrelevant because they are sorted within folders by clinics and facilities, the only thing we actually search on is date of service.


We want to be able to use said template to audit each visit(each LF Document) by our training staff to score/grade the work the coder did on a visit. The error I referred to isn't an actual Laserfiche or program error, just a human error while coding a visit.


We don’t want to have to add 19 additional fields to the template, because all 19 might not be needed, we also don’t want to have to change/switch the template to do this. The idea is to have these auditing columns up and we could export the list contents to excel, and excel would score the visits from the criteria listed on the audit criteria file. I hope that helps?

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replied on May 14, 2014

I would recommend a form for this. Form products include the logic you are looking for, displaying fields based on selection. If you want to use the data entered on the form in metadata you could extract it via workflow (Full Page OCR + Pattern Matching or direct input with Laserfiche Forms).


There are many Forms products out there including a web based one from Laserfiche that integrates directly with workflow and the repository. Even a PDF form might be the simplest solution and Workflow integrates with PDF forms as well.


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replied on May 14, 2014

I agree with Chad on this one. Metadata is great for searching and organizing your documents, but it sounds like you're using it like a form. Laserfiche Forms has a bunch of functionality that can tie it into the process, giving you the feature set you're looking for without changing the process or repository much. Collecting site visit information (like those codes, errors, etc) would be easy to do with a digital form, and since Forms has the ability to generate reports based off of submissions, you could kick everything out to an Excel document without any additional integration or work. If you wanted that information to be available in the metadata of your documents, Workflow could update the metadata whenever the site visit information is submitted. Your metadata could then display a count of the visit types instead of a list of all of the visits.

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