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How do I choose a route based on workload?

asked on May 12, 2014

I can route a document to one of five processors. I want to route it to the person with the smallest number of current cases. I calculate workload by counting how many documents each process has in their inbox. How do I compare the number of docs in each folder and decide which one is least? 

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replied on May 12, 2014 Show version history

Here is an image of how I would build the logic and attached workflow (rename txt file to .wfx). Populate the for each value with the ID of each folder you would like to compare. The resulting token Folder ID will return the ID of the folder with the lowest count.


Oh by the way, Hi Alex!


4 0


replied on May 12, 2014

Nice work. Thank you.

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replied on May 12, 2014 Show version history

Hi Alex, if you found Chad's reply helpful, please click the 'This answered my question link' and earn reputation for both of you!

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