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Drop down menu and Routing

asked on April 29, 2014 Show version history

 So I want to have a drop down menu on a form that will send the task to one of several people, depending on the section on the menu.  I have setup an exclusive gateway, and several outflows to route to different approvals.  On the outflow path condition, it's setup like this: /dataset/Topic="Choice1" and I have the arrow connecting to the user task.  Whenever I try and run the process, I fill in the form pick the choice and submit it.  The task never gets assigned to me.  When I look in the results log, it just says "Failed"  When I open it up, it just says "Terminated".  



Any ideas as to why this is?  I have tried user tasks and service tasks, as well as conditions on each specific outflow.  I can't understand why this is working properly.  

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replied on April 29, 2014

I had a coworker look over my work, and it actually turned out to be a error in spelling on the assigning a value to choices.  Thanks for your help!

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replied on April 29, 2014

I found out that it works fine if the field is a text field and NOT a drop down field.  


Why does this matter?  

replied on April 29, 2014

How are you telling Forms to assign it to a user depending on what is selected in the drop down field? Can you post a screenshot of it?

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replied on April 29, 2014

I've attached the department selection and the outflow.  I had user in the initial example, but that is probably a confusing term.  

Departments.png (33.89 KB)
Outflow.png (70.34 KB)
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replied on April 29, 2014

As far as I can see this is setup correctly. Can you post how your user task is setup? Have you validated your process by clicking the green checkmark in the Process Modeler?

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replied on April 29, 2014

I had a coworker look over my work, and it actually turned out to be a error in spelling on the assigning a value to choices.  Thanks for your help!

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replied on April 30, 2014

Keep in mind that you can also use a field variable when you're specifying who to assign a user task to. If the field value contains a properly formatted username, you can use it.


For example, you could use the same drop-down field and assign the appropriate username as the value for each choice. Then, when configuring your user task, you'd specify the field variable for the drop-down field.


Doing something like this isn't appropriate for every process, but if each outflow path is mostly the same (just with a different approver for a user task) this would simplify the process significantly.

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