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workflow tags and routing decisions

asked on April 16, 2014


I'm trying to build a workflow and I've come against something I can't figure out.

The workflow goes like this...

I need a daily process to search the repository based on my search conditions, when the search results come back, I need a routing decision to route them based on if they have a certain tag or not.


I have a search repository object and then a for each entry object.  I just don't see where you can filter out entries based on their tag or not.  Is this possible?


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replied on April 16, 2014

Why not add the tag to the search criteria? Does Workflow do something to both documents with tags and the ones without or is the Routing Decision just picking out the ones with tags for routing?


Also, the conditions in Routing Decisions support checking whether a tag is set on it or not. See the Entry\Tag condition.

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replied on April 16, 2014 Show version history

Perhaps you can use a parallel activity where the first sequence runs a search including entries with the specific tag and the second sequence runs a search excluding entries with the specific tag. Then use a for each entry loop in each sequence to route the documents to their proper locations.


See this example workflow:

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replied on April 16, 2014

Approach # 1

In the search options, if you click "Customize Search" there is an option called "tags" that will be added to the advanced search syntax when it is included in the criteria. Include the tag you want, and the folder you're searching within, and it will only return the entries with that tag set. From there:


For each entry (connect this to the above search)...


then inside of that, route the documents to where they need to go with a routing activity.


Approach # 2 (perhaps more resource intensive)


run a general search on the repository...

for each entry (of the search)...

conditional sequence (change entry : name to entry : tag) and set the tag in reference...

then proceed with the routing inside of the condition.


I like the first one better!






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replied on April 16, 2014

Awesome responses... in this particular case this is what needs to happen.  the whole point of the workflow is to search for entries and put a shortcut to them in a certain folder.  If the document is certain tags, then I don't want the shortcut to be created.


Could I perhaps write a search query so that it doesn't return documents if they have a certain tag on them? If so, what would that kind of query look like...  This is the search query I have so far...


{[Dallas Dermatology]:[Account Number]="%(PatternMatching_acctNUM)"} & {LF:LOOKIN="Documents\Patient Charts A-Z"}

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replied on April 16, 2014

({[Dallas Dermatology]:[Account Number]="%(PatternMatching_acctNUM)"} & {LF:LOOKIN="Documents\Patient Charts A-Z"}) - {LF:Tags="NameOfTag"}

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replied on April 23, 2014

Hi Lindsey,


It looks like you have a number of good answers to your question. If one provided the answer you needed, please click the “This answered my question" button.



If you still need assistance with this matter, just update this thread. Thanks!

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