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How do I change the font color with a custom HTML on a form

asked on April 9, 2014

 I've included custom HTML on my form and would like to change the color of the font.  I see where I can change the font type but not the color - am I missing something?


Also why can't a specify a specific font size?  All I see is small, normal and large.



Sandy Brennan

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replied on April 9, 2014

Hi Sandy,


You can further customize the appearance of your text by adding HTML tags within the custom HTML field.


To change the color of your text, you'll add a font color tag and specify the color you want, either by name or by hex value. For example, to change text to red, you would add a font color tag and specify red as the color:


<font color="red">This text will be red.</font>


To further customize the size of your text you'll add a tag for font size, just like you did for font color. The available font sizes range from 1 to 7. For example:


<font size="4">This text will be size 4.</font>


If you want to change both the color and size at the same time, you'll add both tags around the text you want to modify. For example:


<font color="red"><font size="4">This text will be red and size 4.</font></font>


There's a lot of information on changing the appearance of your text in HTML online. A preliminary search for the exact attribute of your text that you would like to change should pull up a lot of basic examples. 

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replied on April 9, 2014 Show version history

You could also assign a CSS class to the custom HTML and then in the CSS & JavaScript tag make an entry like so: .important {color: red;}. To add size .important {color: red; font-size: 12px;}


You can name it anything you want, so instead of .important it could be .mytext. Just make sure that the name is entered into the CSS Class field of the customer HTML without the period in front of it.


By using a CSS Class you can then assign that class to any thing and it will take on those attributes.

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replied on April 23, 2014

Hi Sandy,


If we've provided the answer you needed, please click the “This answered my question" button!



If you still need assistance with this matter, just update this thread. Thanks!

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