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Feature Request - Recycle Bin - Allow group control

asked on February 24, 2014

Hi All,


One of our customers has raised a feature request in relation to the recycle bin. What they would like is the ability to be able to give control of the recycle bin based on a user group within Laserfiche (which directly relates to a particular team/department in Active Directory).


So the documents which have been deleted by that team are available to a power user/s within that team. They shouldn’t be able to purge the entries but simply be able to monitor them and restore them if necessary.


I know this would currently be achievable by setting up folders and assigning rights this way but this isn’t necessarily a true recycle bin scenario.


Hope this is enough information for you to see what has been requested.


Kind Regards


Chris Douglas


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replied on August 7, 2014

Thanks for the request Chris, you're right there isn't a way to set that up right now (aside from the fake recycle bin). Fundamentally, there isn't really any concept of 'this specific user has rights based on members of a group they are in' in Laserfiche, which sounds like what you are talking about here.

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replied on February 17, 2023

Has there been any movement on making this a reality? I just had a department make a similar request. 


Thank you,



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replied on February 24, 2014

Hi Michael,


Yes I already knew this but this would also give the users the ability to assign entry access (assign their own security) which is a big no no. This theoretically will bypass any security put in place. Also this will show all the documents in the repository which have been deleted not just those in the chosen AD/LF Group.


Good thinking though :)

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replied on February 24, 2014

You could write a set of workflows that makes a "fake recycle bin".


Create a workflow that works by using a tag "Delete Document"


Have this trigger a workflow that writes the full path of the document to a field "Previous Path" and write that to the document. Write the current date to a "deleted on" field. Make sure these fields are not editable by anyone but workflow. Move the document to the appropriate "Group XYZ Recycle Bin" based on whatever criteria you need. 


Write a second workflow that allows you to restore the document back by removing the deleted tag using that "Previous Path" field, then removing the "Previous Paths" and "Deleted on" fields.


Write a third workflow that kicks off based on a timer that looks for items older than XX number of days using the "Deleted On" field and then have that workflow actually delete the item. 


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replied on February 24, 2014

Hi Chris,


You can assign the "Manage Entry Access" privilege to power users or a group of power users which would allow then to view items deleted by all users (including those not in the power user's respective team and to restore any of those items). This feature is enabled in the Admin Console, in the properties window, and encased in red below.



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replied on February 25, 2014

Hi Chris,


Yes I had also considered this. However the customer doesn't want to see anything change on the user perspective. They want the users to be able to delete as normal but it be able to be managed through a set of users who can view and restore items deleted by that department.


Again good suggestions though :)

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replied on August 7, 2014


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