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SharePoint in the Cloud

asked on February 11, 2014


I went to the SharePoint integration session at conference where I asked the question about the integration ability between Laserfiche and SharePoint in the Cloud.  Can you confirm that this is not an option?  Any information you can give me would be great!

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replied on February 11, 2014

Our SharePoint integration has some requirements that make it largely incompatible with a cloud deployment:


  1. You need to be able to install software on the SharePoint server
  2. The SharePoint server needs to be able to connect to your Laserfiche server
  3. The SharePoint server needs to be able to delegate the user's identity to the Laserfiche server


I can't say that there is no cloud provider that is compatible with these requirements, but even if there is we haven't tested it ourselves and so couldn't consider it a supported configuration.

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replied on February 11, 2014

The Laserfiche integration only works with an on-premise installation of SharePoint.

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replied on July 1, 2014

Can I assume that a cloud scenario would work if the customer has their own SharePoint Server and Laserfiche server in the one data-center?

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replied on August 22, 2014

There's still the issue of our SharePoint integration requiring Windows authentication.  I don't know enough about AD to offer any guidance there.

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