I followed several directions on how to get Chrome to work with NTLM Authentication and cannot get this to work correctly.
We'd like for our users inside the domain, when using Chrome, to be able to have single sign on when accessing Laserfiche Weblink. In IE it works fine and we have added NTLM modifications to the about:config for Firefox.
I know Chrome reads off the Trusted site list of IE and uses those sites to automatically pass NTLM. I believe NTLM is working; however, whatever authentication level is after NTLM that is required is not working.
- Added sites to IE's trusted site list
- Did a registry edit for HKLM > Software > Policies > Google > Chrome
- Added AuthNegotiateDelegateWhitelist and added our weblink server to the value list
- Tried adding a manual switch to Chrome browser: --auth-server-whitelist:(with server name and IP name)
- From option 3 above: Using Chrome without any modification, accessed the IP for weblink server – it pops up asking me to type in credentials. I then used a Chrome shortcut and passed --auth-server-whitelist:10.x.x.x (our weblink server IP)- it then did not require me to enter credential; however, passed me onto the page that had the permission denied message. This lets me to believe that NTLM is working fine, but a second authentication level is preventing the whole process from working correctly.