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Why can't you put a table in a collection?

asked on January 29, 2014

I'm trying to put a table field into a collection but it doesn't seem to like it.  I'm using Forms I don't remember it being a new feature in 9.1.


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replied on January 29, 2014

Hi Kacy, Blake


Forms 9.0 and 9.1 doesn't support Table field in Collection or Collection in Table field.


Can you tell me more about your Forms and why you need this feature?




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replied on August 26, 2014

Our use case is as follows:

We have a form that is used by our special services department called a Service Detail Record (SDR) (see attached). A case manager is the one that fills out the form. You can see the top portion of the form uses standard fields, but once you get to the area of the form that asks for Start and End times, it just repeats the same areas over and over again. It would make sense to insert a table for "Individual", "Group", and "Therapy/Activities" so that more than one could be easily inserted as the current form allows. If we could then put those items into a Collection, if they needed to add more than one days worth of information, they could just click "add" on the collection and it would add everything again, basically simulating the same behavior as the PDF form.

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replied on March 21, 2022

I would like the ability to include a table in a collection.

I am working on a conference attendance form and have attendee info in a collection.  Was trying to include a per diem table in the attendee info collection, but no luck.  It looks like tables in collections is not an option in 2022?


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replied on May 19, 2014

Using a non-repeating table is a lot easier method of lining up 2 or more fields horizontally than trying to use CSS. Laserfiche really needs to make it easier to line up fields.

5 0
replied on May 22, 2019

Has any plan or announcement been made in regards to this request? It would be very helpful to allow Tables & Sections to be nested inside Collections.

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replied on March 6, 2018

Has anyone found a solution to the table inside a collection issue/request?

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replied on February 21, 2019

Any news? I need to find a way to accomplish this.

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replied on January 29, 2014

I can replicate this in v.

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replied on October 31, 2017

Has any plan or announcement been made in regards to this request? It would be very helpful to allow Tables & Sections to be nested inside Collections.


Or has anyone figured out another way to accommodate this? I'd assume it'd be through some heavy CSS/JScripting?


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replied on June 18, 2018

Agree. Also looking for a solution.

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replied on January 29, 2014

Hi Abby,


My use case is that a user should be able to submit a varying number of changes to our billing system.  Each entry in our billing system contains several pieces of information such as engineer, job code, client, and hours worked. If an engineer (the user in this case) wants to make a change to one or more of those pieces of information for multiple entries in the billing system, I wanted them to be able to add a collection for each entry.  Because we need to be able to find the entry they want to change, we need all the information for each entry (the engineer, job code, client, hours worked, date, etc). We currently enter the information into Excel so I figured using a table within a collection to collect the data would be most user-friendly and efficient.  I am thinking that for a workaround, I will use HTML/Javascript to create a table that can be repeated.

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replied on January 31, 2014

I have a similar requirement for this as well.  A use-case scenario would be for an expense submission form. The form will have a repeatable collection to add expense items to the form, and if an entertainment expense is being entered, the user will have to break out the expense item into a list of names and divided cost of the total entertainment expense in tabular format.



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replied on February 3, 2014

I have the same situation where expense submission is requested through forms.  Has anyone made any headway?

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replied on August 5, 2014

I am trying to do the same thing with a budge request form.  I have multiple text fields and tables mixed on the same page.  I need to be able to allow multiple lines in a table within a collection that can be repeated for various projects.

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replied on December 3, 2014

Is the ability to add a Table or Address block into a Collection an available option in Laserfiche Forms 9.2?

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replied on December 5, 2014

Hi there,

It's not available in Forms 9.2.

0 1
replied on March 31, 2015

Did anyone fine a solution to this?



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replied on May 19, 2015

Did anyone find a solution for this? I have the same need and am not sure what kind of workaround exists for this functionality.  I'm trying to use this for an expense-type form in which a given expense needs to be automatically split among several pre-defined GL codes. More than one expense that needs to be split can be entered on the form, and each one needs it's own table. I don't want to try to rebuild this form using individuals fields. I originally did that, but trying to format the fields to display side-by-side really became a formatting nightmare. Plus I'd have to rewrite a lot of javascript, which I really want to avoid if possible!

I've thought about possibly creating a lot of duplicate tables and hiding them until the user requests a new table, but that isn't exactly what I'd like.

Any ideas?

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replied on August 12, 2015

Is there a way perhaps to do a collection that asks for specific fields and then aggregates totals in the rows of a single table further down?>

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replied on January 24, 2017

I tried this in 10.2 and it also does not work.

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replied on May 17, 2019

This would be great feature to add. Currently trying to find a work around. 

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replied on June 10, 2019

Any plans for embedded tables in collections yet?

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replied on October 31, 2023

I'm in Forms 11 New Forms Designer and this ability does not yet exist.  I have a use case:

Collection object in the the form would be used to upload multiple invoices; each individual invoice could possibly be GL coded to more than one account.  Therefore, we would need a table within the collection to allow multiple GL coding for each invoice record.

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