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What is the registry key and value to set to avoid having to manually attach a repository?

asked on January 26, 2014

 I need to be able to push out a registry entry to clients so that the repository is attached (doesn't need to be manually attached because it is on a subnet).  Which registry key should be pushed out and what should the value of the key be?

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replied on January 27, 2014

You can disable the scanning of available repositories as follows:


  1. Open up HKCU -> Software -> Laserfiche -> Client8 -> Profile -> Options in the Registry Editor.
  2. Create a new String Value called "Thunk" and set that value to "0".


With this key created, the Client will NOT scan the network for repositories by default, and will instead display the recently selected repositories (found under HKCU -> Software -> Laserfiche -> Client8 -> Profile -> IPDatabase). You can right click inside the Available Repositories window and check Scan Network for Repositories to re-enable network scan.

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replied on January 27, 2014

Also wanted to add that to turn off the network scan, set the following:


HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Laserfiche\Client8\Profile\Options\Thunk = 0

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replied on January 27, 2014

Nice....I had forgotten that one.....

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replied on January 27, 2014

If you want to set it for machine-wide, such as when you want to push it out like you are talking about here, you should be able to use the same locations under HKLM and the Client will check that value too. Since pushing out keys to HKCU can be annoying.

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replied on January 27, 2014

I believe it is "HKCU\Software\Laserfiche\Client8\Profile\IPDatabase"  new string value

Value name=Repository Name      Value data= ServerName or IPAddress 


The easy way is to set it on one machine by manually attaching and then export the key I have found.


Is there a reason you can't have it broadcasted?

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replied on January 27, 2014

I do not want to speak for Donald as to his situation, but our customers with very large domains have found that if they "scan the network" for the repository, it can take 40 to 60 seconds for the client to populate the repository list.  These customers are never happy if they have to wait that long before they are able to log in.


So instead, we turn off the network scan and map the repository. Then they are able to log in without the long wait and everyone is happy.

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replied on January 27, 2014

Another reason is that if DNS is not working properly or, as in this case, the IT department doesn't want the users on different subnets dealing with the issue at all, it is easier to just set it via an exported registry entry updated with a logon script than to touch each workstation.

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replied on July 29, 2015

FYI, it doesn't work under HKLM.  I tried both the 64-bit and the 32-bit sides of HKLM and it still scanned and didn't have the attached repositories.

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replied on July 29, 2015

Did you already have the Client key under HKCU? HKLM is used as a fallback mechanism if there aren't any values under HKCU.

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replied on July 29, 2015

Yes.  I think that was the reason.  Fortunately, these are all new PCs, so the end users haven't logged in yet.  Hopefully the HKLM keys will take effect when they open LF Client for the first time.

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replied on December 13, 2019

Adding the same key under HKLM doesn't work for us.

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replied on December 16, 2019

What exactly does not work?

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replied on December 16, 2019 Show version history

Confirming Paul Bateman's comment at the top of this chain.

I deleted the HKCU IPDatabase key, then added HKLM -> Software -> Laserfiche -> Client8 -> Profile -> IPDatabase and created a String key with the repo name, and LF Server address as the value. The desktop client still doesn't pick it up. So the "fallback mechanism" you mentioned doesn't seem to work, at least on 10.3 Update 1.

There really should be an "attach this repository for everyone on this machine" option when attaching a repository, because that's pretty standard for terminal server setups. The alternative (having IT fiddle with registry keys) is not good.

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replied on December 23, 2019

To add a repository machine-wide (I tested this on the 10.4 client), create they key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Laserfiche\Client8\Profile\IPDatabase and create a REG_SZ with the repository name and LFS host:


The "Thunk" setting for scanning the network does not read from HKLM, but if you set the above value the repository will show up in the list and be selected by default.

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