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Forms - Token

asked on May 7, 2013 Show version history


Hello Presales,


Regarding Forms, is there perhaps a “_Submission ID” token available?  We understand that with the “Save to Laserfiche” option, the submitted forms and uploaded files are stored in the repository in folders titled by “ID_Date.” 


In Forms we hope to use the token to rename the submitted forms and uploaded files to have the ID.  Also, in Workflow with the Create Entry activity, to use the token to name the entries it creates with the same ID.  In our current process the files are being created in different directories.  But with an ID, we can create a workflow to identify and combine all of the associated documents for approval in Laserfiche.        


Thank you very much

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replied on May 7, 2013 Show version history


Hi again,


It’s actually the Find Entry activity that was renamed “Find Parent Folder”. From there you can use the token for the Entry Path. I’ve built a quick sample workflow below that worked for me:



Note the Track Token activity was used so that I could track what information was being grabbed, you don’t need it for the workflow to run. As you may notice, this process currently requires multiple steps and can be a little cumbersome to set up. The good news is that once you set up the XML file, you can use this same workflow process every time for all future Forms to Workflow connections. Our team is currently working on making this process more intuitive in the future.


I hope that helped. Please let us know if you have any additional questions!



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replied on May 7, 2013 Show version history


Hi there,


We actually have that exact scenario set up. Every form that is saved to Laserfiche has its own Submission and Instance ID. If you take a look at the help files for Forms, there is documentation that details how to tie that information to each submitted form. The general idea is that workflow will automatically assign the Submission and Instance ID to the folder and document’s metadata respectively. Once that is set up, you will be able to reference the exact document that you need by using that information stored in the field. Hopefully I didn’t misunderstand your question. If you have any additional questions please feel free to send it our way!



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replied on May 7, 2013 Show version history




Thank you for your reply.  I truly appreciate your help in this.


I have read the help file but unfortunately cannot find in Workflow 9.0 the “Find Parent Folder” activity.  Was this activity introduced in a particular build of the program?  Without it there is no token for “Instance Id.”       


Thank you again

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