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Export Documents Out of Repository to a Network Folder

asked on February 13


Please is there a way  a user within the repository can export a document out to a  network path?

IS there  even an export function?

Help or Idea how this can be done will be appreciated.

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replied on February 13

Yes you can, it's a standard feature assuming the user has rights. For an individual document they can just click on the download button on the toolbar or select File > Download and then choose the relevant option. To export an entire folder you just select the contents and choose File > Download > Folder Contents. Similar for search results except you choose to download images and electronic documents separately. 

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replied on February 18

Thanks Nigel. This will work just fine.

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replied on February 13

Just LIke Nigel.

Visual Image.

If you select Text option that will download the OCR Tex layer that laserfiche created of the document.

Once you click then you can select the path where you want to export those documents.

Another Cool feature I think is that if you click on "Download Settings" you can tell LF Client how you want the documents to be exported.


We have alot of TIFF documents in our laserfiche system. So I use the setting to convert them to PDF.


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replied on February 18

Thanks so much Ivan for the extra information. I really needed that. A question: is there a way to set the default download path so that its the one always selected by default.

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replied on February 21

Don't believe that is an option you can set.

When you select your folder to download the information the next time you run a new download content job it will remember the last location you picked.

hope that helps.

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