Would it be possible for someone at Laserfiche to go through all the Laserfiche 12 help pages and fix the images? When I look through the LF 12 Admin help pages, almost every image shows a broken image symbol.
All the broken image links I've found start with:
All the working image links I've found start with:
We're engaged in a fairly major overhaul of the Laserfiche 12 docs at the moment, including merging the User and System Administration Guides. The original (general) idea for those being separate was to have the User Guide hosting "How to do X" type articles, and the System Administration Guide hosting more technical reference type content. In practice, it led to information being fragmented, occasionally duplicated, and overall harder to find. We're consolidating everything in one cohesive Laserfiche 12 documentation area to help remedy this.
The broken image and other links may be related to this documentation reorganization. I'll check with the team.
For example, this image URL https://doc.laserfiche.com/laserfiche.documentation/LF12ProductDocumentation/main/LF12/Content/Images/SCIMTab.png is throwing a CloudFront CDN error and then redirecting to the documentation site root https://doc.laserfiche.com/laserfiche.documentation/en-us/Default.htm, which hosts the Laserfiche Cloud documentation:
If they could verify that all the links are working too, that would be great. Most take you to the LF Cloud help files, which if I recall means that the link is broken.