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Reroute form if the path is not found in repository

asked on February 7



I am trying to route a form to an employee file once it is processed by payroll, and I am using elements from the form(first name, last name etc) to build the path making it dynamic.  The problem is that sometimes the employee name may not match so the folder won't be found for example, middle initial instead of middle name.  In that case I want to have the form go to a generic folder so payroll can move it to the appropriate folder, instead of suspending the process.  Is there a way to do that in Forms, or should I be using a workflow task to re route a form.  And if so is there a activity in workflow that can fire off if the current process is suspended at that specific step.


Has any one done this and able to share some tips on how to accomplish it?



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replied on February 7 Show version history

Another option would be to save the forms in a processing folder in the repository where a workflow would pick it up and be in charge of all the filing. This gives you more flexibility because of the features of Workflow compared to what is available in Forms.

This approach is one of my best practices. I never have Forms try to save a file to its final resting place in a repository and have Workflow take care of that instead. I do have Forms save the appropriate metadata to the file when it is saved in the repository, so Workflow has the information it needs to file it though.

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replied on February 7

Before your save to Repo Activity, you'd have to run a WF to check if there is a Folder at the Path name you would have created, and return a result such as the Folder's Entry ID if it existed to you BP, then have a Gateway in the BP checking that condition, if there was a Folder Entry ID, Save to that Entry, if it does not exist, save to the Generic Folder

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