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Upgraded to Version 11 - Cannot Save Edited Search Form in WebLink Designer

asked on February 5

We just upgraded our Laserfiche from Version 10.4 to:

Laserfiche WebLink Designer:  11.0.2307.136
Laserfiche Repository Access:  11.1.2302.425
Laserfiche WebLink Version:    11.0.2307.136

I was just notified that, since the upgrade, there is a default value that should be a blank value:

When I go into WebLink Designer to edit the search form, it doesn't show the value:

Here's the list showing the blank value first:

I was going to try to recreate the list. When I do, it won't let me save the Search Form I edited. It gives me an error:

Any ideas short of recreating my Search Forms?

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replied on February 12

We installed Update 4 and still had the issue. To resolve, we opened the search form, deleted the form on the server, then did a save. Worked great. Luckily, we only have four search forms, so it wasn't too bad.

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replied on February 5

Is there any reason you only upgraded to WebLink 11 Update 3 instead of Update 4?

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replied on February 6 Show version history

We upgraded our test system in August and just upgraded production last Friday using the same files from August. Working with our VAR to run the newer version now. Will let you know how it goes. Thanks!

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replied on February 12

We installed Update 4 and still had the issue. To resolve, we opened the search form, deleted the form on the server, then did a save. Worked great. Luckily, we only have four search forms, so it wasn't too bad.

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