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LF Client-Cannot view all settings in search, must use bottom scroll bar constantly

asked on February 5 Show version history



I have been having this issue for some time now (probably about 4 months) where I am not able to see all of the settings in the search pane, no matter how much I expand the pane or window. I am constantly having to scroll back and forth using the bottom scroll bar to see the buttons on the right side of the pane. It is a very tiny, but very annoying issue. Does anyone know what could be causing this?

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replied on February 5


I am running Windows client 11 (11.0.2305.274) in my test environment and can duplicate the issue if my display settings 'Scale and layout' are anything but 100%. 

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replied on February 5

Ah, that makes sense. I still slightly have the issue when it is at 100% but if I set it even smaller it will show the full search pane. I am using a Dell Multiclient so everything looks tiny when I set it even to 100%. So unfortunately I guess this is just something I have to deal with. I have had this monitor for a little over a year and I don't recall this being an issue until recently. 

Screenshot 2025-02-05 114549.png
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