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Data Tables API - Scope table.Write does not work with InsertTableRow

posted on February 5

I am testing the InsertTableRow on swagger which states it only requires the scope table.Write, but the response is asking for more scopes and not specifying.

table.Write was selected as a scope when creating my app in the developer console.

When creating your key, oddly enough it asks you to choose scopes again and I also selected to use table.Write here as well. So even with the redundancy I never did not include the required scope for this method.

So it seems another scope is required or the response is just not accurate.

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replied on February 5

Thanks for following up with the solution Chad.  Since Lookup Tables are part of Projects, you need to ensure that the proper project scopes are configured.

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replied on February 5

Thanks, what was confusing is that I configured the project on the GUI for OAuth2.0 but when I went to get my secret it is no where to be found anywhere on the site and no create key option returns a secret.

So I created a basic auth instead because at least this provided me with a way to authenticate and when you do this it appears to ask you again to manually type in all your scopes. This is where it needed to be typed in. Perhaps if I had a secret, I could login with OAuth2.0 and it would just work with what I selected in the GUI.

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replied on February 5

I found the missing scope through brute force

project/[Project Name]

project/Global for the default project space

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