asked on February 4

The code is mostly functional, but I have encountered an issue where date values are not being retrieved correctly until end of function. The dates are stored properly up to the point in code where:

let tableADate = ensureArray(LFForm.getFieldValues({ fieldId: 10 }));
let tableBDate = ensureArray(LFForm.getFieldValues({ fieldId: 11 }));

The next part of the code where the dates are supposed to be stored is encountering an issue, as all the values are empty.

const matchingDates = [];

I am not sure where exactly the issue occurs in the code. Since I am new to coding in Laserfiche, I would appreciate any guidance on identifying and fixing this problem.

// Declare arrays to store matching indexes for various tables
let matchingTableAIndexes = [];  // Table A = Table Less/Plus Amounts not on Ledger
let matchingTableBIndexes = []; // Table B = Table Less/Plus Amounts not on Supplier Statement
let matchingTableAAIndexes = [];
let matchingTableDIndexes = []; // Table D = Table Documents Processed on ERP

// Disable fields
LFForm.disableFields({fieldId: 8});
LFForm.hideFields({fieldId: 91});
LFForm.disableFields({fieldId: 33});

// Function to compare Table A and Table B
function tableAandB() {
    LFForm.hideFields({ fieldId: 95 });
    // Get values from Table A and Table B
    let tableAInvoice = ensureArray(LFForm.getFieldValues({ fieldId: 14 })).map(value => value.toUpperCase()); // Convert to Uppercase
    let tableBInvoice = ensureArray(LFForm.getFieldValues({ fieldId: 15 })).map(value => value.toUpperCase()); // Convert to Uppercase
    let tableAAmount = ensureArray(LFForm.getFieldValues({ fieldId: 18 }));
    let tableBAmount = ensureArray(LFForm.getFieldValues({ fieldId: 19 }));
    let tableAStatus = ensureArray(LFForm.getFieldValues({ fieldId: 22 }));
    let tableBStatus = ensureArray(LFForm.getFieldValues({ fieldId: 23 }));
    let tableADate = ensureArray(LFForm.getFieldValues({ fieldId: 10 }));
    let tableBDate = ensureArray(LFForm.getFieldValues({ fieldId: 11 }));

    LFForm.hideFields({ fieldId: 33 });

    // Log initial data from Table A and Table B
    console.log('Initial Table A Invoices:', tableAInvoice);
    console.log('Initial Table B Invoices:', tableBInvoice);
    console.log('Table A Amounts:', tableAAmount);
    console.log('Table B Amounts:', tableBAmount);
    console.log('Table A Status:', tableAStatus);
    console.log('Table B Status:', tableBStatus);
    console.log('Table A Dates:', tableADate);
    console.log('Table B Dates:', tableBDate);

    // Arrays that store different types of values
    const matchingData = [];
    const authorizedIndexes = [];
    const matchingDates = [];
    const mismatchedAmounts = [];

    // Reset matching indexes
    matchingTableAIndexes = [];
    matchingTableBIndexes = [];

    // Remove "green" and "orange" CSS Class from all fields in each row in Table A and Table B
    tableAInvoice.forEach((_, i) => {
        LFForm.removeCSSClasses({ fieldId: 10, index: i }, "green orange");
        LFForm.removeCSSClasses({ fieldId: 14, index: i }, "green orange");
        LFForm.removeCSSClasses({ fieldId: 18, index: i }, "green orange");
        LFForm.removeCSSClasses({ fieldId: 22, index: i }, "green orange");

    tableBInvoice.forEach((_, i) => {
        LFForm.removeCSSClasses({ fieldId: 11, index: i }, "green orange");
        LFForm.removeCSSClasses({ fieldId: 15, index: i }, "green orange");
        LFForm.removeCSSClasses({ fieldId: 19, index: i }, "green orange");
        LFForm.removeCSSClasses({ fieldId: 23, index: i }, "green orange");

    console.log('Processing Table A...');

    // Compare each invoice in Table A with Table B
    tableAInvoice.forEach((invoiceA, i) => {
        const amountA = tableAAmount[i];
        const statusA = tableAStatus[i];
        const dateA = tableADate[i];

        // Skip if data is missing
        if (!invoiceA || !amountA || !statusA) {

        const bIndex = tableBInvoice.findIndex((invoiceB, j) =>
            invoiceA === invoiceB && tableBStatus[j]

        // If a matching invoice is found in Table B
        if (bIndex !== -1) {
            const statusB = tableBStatus[bIndex];
            const dateB = tableBDate[bIndex];
            const amountB = tableBAmount[bIndex];

            // Log matched invoice details
            console.log(`Matching Invoice Found: ${invoiceA}`);
            console.log(`Amount A: ${amountA}, Amount B: ${amountB}`);
            console.log(`Status A: ${statusA}, Status B: ${statusB}`);
            console.log(`Date A: ${tableADate[i]}, Date B: ${dateB}`);

            // If both Table A and Table B have 'AUTHORISED' status, mark as authorized
            if (statusA === 'AUTHORISED' && statusB === 'AUTHORISED') {
                if (amountA === amountB) {
                        invoice: invoiceA,
                        amount: amountA,
                        status: 'AUTHORISED',
                        date: dateB

                    // Apply Green CSS classes to highlight matches
                    LFForm.addCSSClasses({ fieldId: 10, index: i }, "green");
                    LFForm.addCSSClasses({ fieldId: 14, index: i }, "green");
                    LFForm.addCSSClasses({ fieldId: 18, index: i }, "green");
                    LFForm.addCSSClasses({ fieldId: 22, index: i }, "green");

                    LFForm.addCSSClasses({ fieldId: 11, index: bIndex }, "green");
                    LFForm.addCSSClasses({ fieldId: 15, index: bIndex }, "green");
                    LFForm.addCSSClasses({ fieldId: 19, index: bIndex }, "green");
                    LFForm.addCSSClasses({ fieldId: 23, index: bIndex }, "green");

                } else {

                    // Apply Orange CSS classes to highlight mismatched amounts
                    LFForm.addCSSClasses({ fieldId: 10, index: i }, "orange");
                    LFForm.addCSSClasses({ fieldId: 14, index: i }, "orange");
                    LFForm.addCSSClasses({ fieldId: 18, index: i }, "orange");
                    LFForm.addCSSClasses({ fieldId: 22, index: i }, "orange");

                    LFForm.addCSSClasses({ fieldId: 11, index: bIndex }, "orange");
                    LFForm.addCSSClasses({ fieldId: 15, index: bIndex }, "orange");
                    LFForm.addCSSClasses({ fieldId: 19, index: bIndex }, "orange");
                    LFForm.addCSSClasses({ fieldId: 23, index: bIndex }, "orange");
            // Clear the matching values in Table B
            tableBInvoice[bIndex] = null;
            tableBAmount[bIndex] = null;
            tableBStatus[bIndex] = null;
            tableBDate[bIndex] = null;

    // Log final results
    console.log('Authorized Indexes:', authorizedIndexes);
    console.log('Matching Data:', matchingData);
    console.log('Matching Dates:', matchingDates);
    console.log('Mismatched Amounts:', mismatchedAmounts);
    console.log('Final Matching Table A Indexes:', matchingTableAIndexes);
    console.log('Final Matching Table B Indexes:', matchingTableBIndexes);

    LFForm.showFields({ fieldId: 91 });
    LFForm.hideFields({ fieldId: 8 });
    populateOtherTable(authorizedIndexes, tableAAmount, tableAStatus, matchingDates); // Populate data in another table


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