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Can we use "Line Break" as a separator in a token calculator?

asked on February 3 Show version history



I am trying to list some items in an email and would like them separated by a line break. In my situation I have to use a token calculator but I am not sure how to add line break as the separator. When I try to use "\n" it doesn't work, it just prints it as \n. Please help me know if there is a way to do this here in the Join method.


Thank you.

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replied on February 3

You don't need the Token Calculator. If you have a multi-value token, you can do it with the Token Editor (right-click the token) or the Token Dialog.

Line Break is one of the dropdown options when you use Apply Index > All values separated by:

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replied on February 3

If it's an HTML email, you'd need to format the token as HTML and include `<br>` between each value.

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