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Data in calculated field is empty after submission

asked on February 3

Please play the attached video to see what is happening when a user clicks the submit button (labeled "Download or Print") . The calculated value in the Estimated Business License Tax field disappears. It is happening regardless of the Business Type chosen or the amount entered in the Estimated Gross Receipts field. 

0 0


replied on February 3

Do you have Professional_Factor marked as Save Data when Hidden?  

2 0


replied on February 3

What calculation are you using in the estimated tax field and is it saving in Monitor or does that show 0.00 as well?


0 0
replied on February 3
  • Formula... =PRODUCT(Professional_Factor,Estimated_Gross_Receipts)
  • Professional_Factor above is a hidden field with default value of 0.0058
  • The value of Estimated Business License Tax shows as 0.00 in Monitor as well


0 0
replied on February 3

Do you have Professional_Factor marked as Save Data when Hidden?  

2 0
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