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Workflow - Using Excel Spreadsheet as a Data Source

asked on January 31

I am trying use an excel sheet as an ODBC Data Source for one of my workflows,  and I am getting an error that says the requested drivers are not installed.  We are on Workflow 10.4 and the version of Excel is 2016, but I am saving the files in xls format thinking that maybe it is a compatibility issue 

I have tried to add a new data source in the ODBC Data Source Administrator, and I checked and it appears the correct drivers are installed.  

I am trying to add the new data source  in the Workflow Admin console on our Laserfiche server for reference.  And additionally using SQL server is not an option for us right now, because our SIS is cloud based along with our database and requires additional set up by our SIS provider and our tech department that is taking longer than I like, so I am trying other options.  The lookup is just to populate data in a template for new hires.  


Has any one done this and if so are you willing to share screenshots of the set up. 

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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replied on January 31

Make sure you're using the x64 ODBC Admin on Windows x64 (which i assume your server is) and make sure you're checking on the server (if you're using a Workflow Designer from another machine).

If you can create a System data source in Windows, then Workflow would be able to see it directly.

That said, Excel is very limited in functionality. It will only allow one connection at a time. Workflow may run multiple workflows at the same time if there is enough incoming work, so some of them won't be able to access Excel.

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replied on February 3

Thank you, that is what I was missing!  I will be sure to keep in mind the great tip on the multiple workflows and single connection to the spreadsheet.  That is very helpful!!

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