Hi All,
I'm sure this has been asked before but can't seem to find anything.
We often have to do migrations of data from windows folders into Laserfiche (sometimes TB's of data), and whilst Import has the capability to do this, it isn't the most interactive way of doing things, and from experience falls over frequently with large datasets. Quick Fields is of course also an option, but has a double step of import then store.
We generally opt for a manual import process into the windows client, along with some manual auditing etc. to confirm counts etc. We'll then process the documents using workflow and pattern matching/DB lookups to route the documents around and index accordingly etc.
A super useful tool might be some kind of migration utility, with logging etc. for errors and a way to automate some of the import steps (basically like a mix of Import Agent, Quick Fields and the Windows Client).
I can see this being more of a requirement with larger cloud migrations from network drives/windows folders.
Is this something that's ever been considered?