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Prevent erroneous/fake form submission by public

asked on January 30

We have recently had a possible use case for our Forms public portal.  Until now, we have been using Forms purely internally.  Is there a recommended way to prevent or reduce erroneous/fake/prank submissions? Many websites require the user to register with an email for example, but I do not believe that is possible with Forms public portal.  

Anyone have any tips or recommendations?

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replied on January 30


I would suggest enabling reCAPTCHA on forms.

You will need to configure it on your forms config page after registering with google. (

Good Luck.

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replied on January 30

Do you have experience with how well this works in blocking duplicate or fake requests?  We are curious how well it performs in blocking requests from a malicious user etc.

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replied on January 30

This is more of a question for people who study these kinds of things, not Laserfiche.

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