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Calculating Sums Outside of Collection Containers

asked on January 22

I have an overtime form I am working on that allows employees to put all their overtime incidents on 1 form per pay period. The employee fills out the first section with the OT details, then clicks Add Another Overtime Entry button at bottom of the collection. The Time Allocation section at bottom of the form calculates the total hours from the collection sections and the employee allocates their OT between regular OT and compensatory time.

The form works perfectly with only 1 OT incident entered. When I add another incident, the form appears to work just fine, but it tells me there's an error even though all required fields are complete (behind the scenes error?). No fields are showing errors at all.

Since the form works fine with only 1 incident entered, I'm guessing the issue is with the multiple collections calculation somehow. I've attached screen shots and calculations for reference. Hoping I can get some help with this one as I've racked my brain and scoured Google trying so many different "solutions."

We use Laserfiche Forms Professional Version

OT Form - Entry 1.png
OT Form - Entry 2.png
OT Form - Time Allocation.png
OT Form - Duration Calc.png
OT Form - Hours Calc.png
OT Form - Minutes Calc.png
OT Form - MinutesRounded Calc.png
OT Form - Total Duration Calc.png
OT Form - Time Allocation - Total OT Allocated Calc.png
OT Form - Time Allocation - Total of OT Hours Calc.png
OT Form - Time Allocation - Remaining OT Calc.png
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replied on January 22

Hi William, what is the error you've seen? I didn't see any on your screenshots.

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replied on January 23

Hi Rui,

Here are additional screenshots of a completed test form, including the error message. Please note, the following fields in each Overtime Log section are normally hidden (with data saved) - I just have them visible for troubleshooting.

OT Form - Response 1.png
OT Form - Response 2.png
OT Form - Response 3.png
OT Form - Response 4.png
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replied on January 23

There was a known bug on early version of Forms 11 that if a required field is hidden and inside a read-only section, it would block form submission with error like the one your screenshot, even when the field has value filled.

There were also a few other bugs with field rule and required fields which have been fixed in later versions.

I would recommend upgrading to a newer version like Forms 11 Update 5 and see if the issue persists.

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replied on January 23

What is your validation level currently set as? Try setting it to "No Validation" if it's not already. (this is found under Form Settings)

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replied on January 23

I apologize, but I am not seeing a Form Settings option. Where do I find that?

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replied on January 23

This is the same area where you set the form's width, etc.

In the Classic Designer, click the cog in the upper right-hand corner of the screen.

In the Modern Designer, click the top of your form, and the Settings will appear on the right-hand panel. 

I'm including some screenshots that will hopefully help!

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replied on January 23

I just checked on my side. I DO have the backend validation option in Classic Designer, but not in Modern Designer where the form was built originally. I am on Laserfiche Forms Professional Version 

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replied on January 23

It should be there. In the Design view, click outside of or above your form so the whole thing is selected. Then make sure the panel on the right-side is extended (there's a small arrow that will allow you to collapse the side panel, and you want it to not be collapsed). 

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replied on January 23 Show version history

Here's what I see. Our IT guy logged into the admin account and it also does not have the option.

OT Form - Form Settings View.png
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replied on January 23

Hmm... I don't know why you're not seeing it. Maybe someone else can chime in with an assist. ?

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replied on January 23 Show version history

The version number you listed ( is the very first release of Forms that had the Modern Designer, so it's several large releases out of date.  The last release of Forms 11 was Update 5 and was released in November 2023, it is version number 11.0.2311.50556.  And now version 12 was released in November 2024.  So you're basically 6 versions out of date (Version 11 Updates 1 through 5 and then version 12).

It's possible (though I don't know how to confirm), that the functionality wasn't even added to the Modern Designer until a later version (

It's also possible, there was a bug in the formula in that version of forms, that has since been corrected.  It's difficult to know for sure.

If you have the ability to upgrade, even if you stay on version 11 and just upgrade to a newer release, I would recommend it.  Not only does it add a ton of new functionality to the Modern Designer, but it resolved bugs and other issues too.

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