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CSS for Background Comment box

asked on January 16

Hi everyone, 

So in my forms, I have everything styled all nice until it gets down to the comment box.  I want to keep the comment box, but the stark white background compared to the rest of the form really bugs me.  I've tried to set the css of .approval-wrap background-color: transparent but it doesn't seem to have any impact.  Any thoughts?

comment box.png
comment box.png (108.59 KB)
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replied on January 17

Try using this: 

.approval-outer-wrap {
    background-color: transparent;
    border: 0px solid #ccc; /* Optional: to keep the border visible */
    padding: 10px; /* Optional: to maintain padding */
    color: #000; /* Optional: to ensure text color is readable */


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replied on January 21

Thanks Angela.  This is exactly what I was looking for.

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