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Find user by multiple tokens

asked one day ago

Sorry if this is somewhere but could not find it through the search.  Is there a way to use the Find User activity with multiple tokens?  I want to lookup a person by name that is being passed from another system.  I can't just use Last Name as that's not unique.  I'd like to find it by First AND Last to see about getting a unique value.



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replied 23 hours ago

Hi Chris,

Do you mean that you want to find user with multiple conditions? Find User activity does not support it currently but you can try finding user with the other properties like Account Name, Display Name if one of them is unique in your system. You can also use multiple tokens in the textbox below A user from a token to make the search more accurate.

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replied 11 hours ago

Ok.  Yeah we want to be able to use multiple in the "Find User By" dropdown.  Currently it can only be Last or First (and some others) but it would be great to do Last AND First.

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