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can I set a field rule to show if checked but hide in a stage

asked on January 14

For the submitter, I want to only show the sections if they click the check box (they have things they need to enter in).

But I don't want all the sections to show for all of the approvers. I want the approver to only see their section. 

Is there a way to do this? 

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replied on January 14 Show version history

If you're using the Forms Layout Designer, there's a built-in option for Step/Stage in the Field Rules; they're all the way at the bottom so you have to scroll.

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replied on January 14

Jason, that is what I stated with but as soon as I say to display it when the box is checked that makes it true no matter what stage it is in. 

I finally figured it out. I have to "hide" it. when the box is unchecked and hide it in the other stages. 

It is working now but thank you for trying. 

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replied two days ago Show version history

In that case, you may have just needed to change "When any are true" to "When all are true"

The default is "when any" so if you set it to look for the stage and the checkbox, "when any" would make it show if either were true.

The better of the two options really depends on the how you set the conditions.

Show When Process Step = ____ AND Checked (all)


Hide When Process Step != ____ OR Not Checked (any)

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replied two days ago


I appreciate the help but that would not work in this case. I am sorry if I was not totally clear on my issue or how I resolved it. 

The issue was: 

For the submitter, I want to only show the sections if they click the check box (they have things they need to enter in). They had 4 options in the checkbox and I had 4 sections.

Ex. Click Option 1 then Section 1 displays. 

For the Approver, I wanted only to show the section that applied to them. There were 4 approvers and 4 stages.

Ex. Approver 1 then only Section 1 displays. 

This is how I resolved it

So you see,  "When any are true" to "When all are true" wont work as the checkbox will always be checked making the rule always true. 

Have a great day.

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