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Cloud Geolocation Search Repository

asked on January 13

We have a  geo location coordinate in a business process that is returned through a JavaScript google map integration and it populatse latitude and longitude values as text fields.  We want to use the search function in LF to display the location on the map.  Geolocation is not a metadata field; it's a separate property of the document. How can we Assign Geographical Information in Workflow to set it? We are on Cloud.

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replied on January 14 Show version history

We looked into this through your support case (#242987) and found that the Save to Repository Location(s) token picker list is filtered to Geolocation type form fields.

However, you can still manually enter Number type variables to construct the geocoordinates, like "{/dataset/latitude_number_field}, {/dataset/longitude_number_field}".

Screenshot showing how Geolocation variables appear. The same form has Number and Text variables that do not appear.

Screenshot showing a valid method of constructing "Location(s)" geocoordinates with Number variables, using the example input {/dataset/latitude_number_field}, {/dataset/longitude_number_field}:

This does NOT work with Text variables. If you try to construct it with Text variables, no location is saved.

Something that pointed us in the right direction troubleshooting was inspecting the page element of a Forms Geolocation type field, which shows that the underlying Latitude and Longitude elements have type="number".

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replied on January 14

Are you saving the form or any of its attachments in the repository? If yes, within the Save to Repository Service Task you can set the "Location(s)" value with latitude and longitude values.

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replied on January 14

Correct, thank you Blake. Funny thing, the variable picker next to locations does not display any of the form variable, it's empty. 

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replied on January 14 Show version history

We looked into this through your support case (#242987) and found that the Save to Repository Location(s) token picker list is filtered to Geolocation type form fields.

However, you can still manually enter Number type variables to construct the geocoordinates, like "{/dataset/latitude_number_field}, {/dataset/longitude_number_field}".

Screenshot showing how Geolocation variables appear. The same form has Number and Text variables that do not appear.

Screenshot showing a valid method of constructing "Location(s)" geocoordinates with Number variables, using the example input {/dataset/latitude_number_field}, {/dataset/longitude_number_field}:

This does NOT work with Text variables. If you try to construct it with Text variables, no location is saved.

Something that pointed us in the right direction troubleshooting was inspecting the page element of a Forms Geolocation type field, which shows that the underlying Latitude and Longitude elements have type="number".

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replied one day ago

Thanks for the support Simon, i checked back in to update our findings to see you've posted the solution here.  The process does work as you describe but it could be easier to grasp if the variable filtering and miss-leading "no address description" were improved.

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replied on January 14 Show version history

This is not working, the coordinates from variables are not populating the document location property. {/dataset/latitude}, {/dataset/longitude}. Also, the variable picker is blank and does not give view of a single variable. I'm going to raise a support ticket to dig into this some more.

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replied one day ago

I take it back.

Unexpectantly, we have found giving the location field a latitude and a longitude as separate variables is working. The reason we were confused, when a doc is created and we look in the repo, the doc says “No Location Description”, that must be another property in the location object, probably for a text address. When we look at the map, the location has been successfully set albeit there is no evidence other than it shows the pin location.

We have found the search screen shows a pin centered on the search location and does not show the location of the documents however from the right hand menu, details show map, select all the documents and it displays a pin for each one (in the details area)

It appears the variable picker is filtering so that it will not allow selection of variables from the save to repo service task unless it’s a geolocation variable but it does work if we give it separate number variables {/dataset/latitude}, {/dataset/longitude}

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