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missing JS and CSS button on form designer

asked on January 13 Show version history

This is my Form Designer (not classic) with V11, no CSS or JS buttons. 

I see on documentation that this should be available, but mine does not.

Please help. 

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replied on January 13 Show version history

CSS may be under the paint brush icon (it was on earlier releases of version 11).

For Javascript - Double-check your version number (click the menu with your name at the top-right and select About).  Javascript wasn't added until Forms 11 Update 3, which I believe was version 11.0.2212.  You might be on an older version.

The last release of Forms 11 was update 5 - which was released at the end of 2023.  Update 3 (11.0.2212), Update 4 (11.0.2307), and Update 5 (11.0.2311) all added more Javascript functionality to the new designer.

Then version 12 was released in November 2024, and includes even more functionality.

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replied on January 14

Thanks for the reply, looks like we are on 11.0.2106 ugg! 

The documentation isn't overly clear which release these features are on except the core version number.


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replied on January 14

Yep, that would predate the Javascript functionality in the new designer.

I definately recommend upgrading if you can, not only for gaining the Javascript functionality but for a ton of other things like drastically expanded Field Rules in the new designer.

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