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Finding 'Week of the Month' for each date per row in a Forms table

asked on January 13 Show version history

Hey all,

I have a table in a Forms process where one column is a date field and another column is a dropdown where the user chooses what (1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc...) week of the month that date is in. I would like to automate this but I can't seem to figure it out. The user will add up to 6 rows in this table.

Has anyone else been able to complete this? I am using the Classic Designer.


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replied on January 13

Instead of a dropdown, use a single line field and add this to your advanced calculation:


=ROUNDDOWN((DAY(INDEX(YourTable.YourField, ROW())) + WEEKDAY(DATE(YEAR(INDEX(YourTable.YourField, ROW())), MONTH(INDEX(YourTable.YourField, ROW())), 1)) - 2) / 7, 0) + 1

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replied on January 13

Beautiful, that is perfect.

Thank you!

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