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how to get form to left align

asked on January 9

This is driving me insane!

I am using JQueryUI dialog to open the contents of an IFrame. The IFrame is pointing to another form in the same domain. I want the Iframed form to show in the upper lefthand corner of the page but no matter what I do, it's in the middle. i want to get rid of all the whitespace around the form. I've hidden the header in css. Here's css:


.cf-formwrap {
 border:0px !important; 

.cf-form {
 padding: 0px !important;
 display:inline-block;float:left;width:600px !important;


But the stinkin thing still shows in the center of the page. WHY? 

The reason for this is that I have to make my dialog way bigger than it needs to be because there's so much white space around the form. 

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replied on January 10

Can you provide a screenshot? I can't visualize the problem. When I set the maximum width of the form to the width of my screen, the form takes up the entire browser without white space on the sides.

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