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Show variable names with field location on form

asked two days ago Show version history

Whether looking at variable names in the Variable list, in the Variable Management menu, or looking at the form in the CSS/JavaScript tab, I can't find a way to show the variable names with the fields on the form layout. I have 7 forms for which I am going to need to map multiple fields over to a new template in the repository. I want to export a form copy that shows each field with the corresponding variable name so that the end user can mark which fields he wants to be included in the template which I would use to create the template fields and to choose the correct variables for each field in the Configure Fields menu of the Save to Repository task. Is there a way to do this? If not the location of the fields on the form layout, just a list that shows the name of the variable with the name of the field would help. It seems this would be a column in the Variable Management menu, but only the variable name and field type are listed there, not the field name. 


UPDATE: If I convert this form to a new Form Designer version, the CSS tab allows me to see the variable names with the fields, however, I can't seem to find a way to export/print that. I suppose I could attempt a scrolling screenshot but the way the variable info overlaps the actual fields makes it difficult to see the fields below.

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replied one day ago

Hi Vikki,

If you just need a list exported you can run this sql query on database:

select cf.label as 'field label', cf.position as 'field position', m.display_name as 'variable name' from [cf_fields] cf
left join [cf_bp_dataset] cbd on cf.attribute_id = cbd.attribute_id
left join [members] m on cbd.member_id =
where cf.form_id = {YOUR_FORM_ID} and cf.attribute_id is not null and cf.type != 'table-end' and cf.type != 'collection-end'
order by cf.position

Please note that when a variable is used on multiple forms the field names could be different on different form so the query need to include the form id.

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replied one day ago

It would take some manual work, so this may not be a viable solution, but you could add the variable name as "Text Below" on each field. 

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