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Laserfiche Forms - table format question with modern designer

asked two days ago


I am trying to create a form, using the modern designer, which will display, in read-only mode, the content of a database using a lookup rule.

This works well, but the default display option leaves a lot of unused space between the table grid and the input fields that display the actual values. I would like to get rid of that space in order to save space in my form (see red arrows in the screen capture), but couldn't find any CSS setting that works.

Do you have any suggestions for achieving that ?

Thank you !


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replied two days ago Show version history

Set a custom CSS class for your table under the Advanced tab, then use the following code, switching out DateTimeTable for your CSS class:

.DateTimeTable .readonly {
  padding: 0px !important;}
.DateTimeTable .label-container {
  padding-top: 10px !important;}

If that doesn't work for you, let me know and I'll try to help troubleshoot.

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replied one day ago

Thank you Sarah for the quick response. This is absolutely better, however there is still some space at the bottom of each line. I tried different CSS options to get rid of it too, but no luck so far.

Any idea which is the correct CSS instruction for that ?


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replied one day ago

I don't have that issue on my end, would you mind sharing your CSS so I can have a peek?

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replied one day ago

Sure, this is my whole CSS section (the css class for the table is myTable) :

.myTable table th {
  background: #337ab7;
  color: white;
  text-align: left;

.myTable table input {font-size:11px;}

.myTable .readonly {padding: 0px !important;}

.myTable .label-container {padding: 10px !important;}


Thank you !

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replied one day ago

Very strange, even copying your coding exactly doesn't cause that issue for me.

Which version are you on? Maybe there's a different selector than Cloud for the label-container (column headers)?

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replied one day ago

Sorry, I forgot to mention, I have on-prem Laserfiche and Forms version is 11.0.2311.50564

I also noticed there doesn't seem to be anything that have a "label-container" class on the web page that is created by the form.

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replied one day ago

That answers it then! Sorry, I don't have access to on-prem to know what the class name would be for you. But essentially since you're not isolating the field header, it's removing the padding and then adding it back in.

If you highlight the field labels and inspect the page (which it sounds like you've already done?), you should be able to determine what the class is called for on-prem.

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