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App Picker "Learn More" Link in Web Client Points to Cloud Documentation

asked one day ago

In the Web Client Configuration page, if you go to App Picker and click on the "Learn more" link at the top of the page, it takes you to the Cloud documentation. It also only takes you to the "Welcome to Laserfiche" page instead of a specific page related to what the page is referring to.

Web Client version 12.0.2144.504.

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replied 23 hours ago Show version history

Thanks, Blake. "Learn more" on the web client config page is correctly linked, but the help page was not published yet (so "page not found" redirects kicked in and sent you to We'll make it available shortly. 

I'll file a request to add "Learn More" to Forms too. Reference ID # 567015 .

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replied one day ago

Also, the App Picker page in the FormsConfig page does not have a Learn More link.

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