asked on December 13 Show version history

We changed to rollover volumes way way back before i started working at my employer.

They had set the original volumes as read only and had made a decent collection of Volumes in that system.

Then they switched to a different organization system, still Laserfiche, and stopped using those volumes.

Right now I'm trying to clean out old files, so I've changed the parent Volume so it isn't read only anymore. I can delete all files except for ones in the first ever rollover made, stating the volume is read only. I can't find the specific volume to modify either, just the parent one, which I've already modified.

I've provided a screenshot of the volume and error when i can't delete as well as the first rollover saying it's no longer read only.

Sincerely Roy

Edit. As I have continued deleting what I can, I've discovered that i cannot delete the first 5 volumes, not just the first.

LF screenshot 1.png
LF screenshot 2.png
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