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Can you run the same capture profile on every page of a document?

asked on December 4, 2024

I have a single laserfiche document (LF Doc) comprised of multiple multi-page documents (I'll call these pdfs for the sake of clarity). Each page of the LF Doc uses the same capture profile. There are two things that I want to do.


First, I want to run the same capture profile on each page of the LF Doc and assign fields.

Second, I want to split the LF Doc up into separate LF Docs per PDF. Each PDF has an order number and it's on every page.


What I've been able to do so far is:

  • Split the LF Doc into one LF Doc per page
  • Run capture profile on each split-out page
  • Combine the pages per PDF


Where I'm stuck is that I can't merge the metadata on the combined documents. Any ideas?

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replied on December 17, 2024

To my knowledge, metadata is assigned per entry, not per page, so you wouldn't be able to retain all of the metadata by page. If your metadata fields are multi-value, you could retain all of the metadata, but it wouldn't be associated with any particular page. What is the use case for requiring all of the metadata by page but also requiring that the pages be merged into a single entry?

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replied on December 18, 2024

While I know that this isn't the primary purpose of LF, I have an order sheet and I'm capturing the line items.


The line items for a specific order can go across multiple pages. So, I'll have 5 orders across 6 pages because one goes across two pages. I need to split out the orders into their own LF document with the multi-value tokens for Item, Qty, and Lot. I don't care which page it's on because it'll all be with one document. 


This is my current solution:

  1. I'm doing this for both receipts and shipments, so I'm running a capture profile that will get the document type and document number and store that metadata 

  2. Split the document into subdocuments named [Document Number]

  3. Gather and recombine pages by order by going through the working directory to find docs with the same name and combining them. It then deletes the extra page

  4. Then I'm creating the metadata by:
    1. Creating the Item Token
    2. Running a Capture Profile Group with a profile for single and two-page documents
    3. Assigning data to the Item Token
    4. Renaming the document
    5. Moving it to the Outbound Processing Folder



If I could re-run the capture profile on each page of the document (because all of the pages are setup the same way) then I wouldn't be limited to the number of pages I can use the script for. 

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