Is there a way to integrate a Laserfiche cloud account with an on-premise server so that they can synchronize and that when a document is uploaded to the cloud, it will be visible on the on-premise server?
Integrate laserfiche on premise server to cloud account
Curious what the use case is for this?
Knowing that Laserfiche integrates with other applications, I want to know if it is possible and how to integrate a Laserfiche cloud with on-premise, to facilitate document sharing between the two environments and also if it works in a way that when a document is imported on one repository, it will be accessible on the other.
I'm thinking this would allow control over backup and recovery options for our repository as well, which we do not have in the Cloud.
Customer-controlled backup options for Laserfiche Cloud are a tentative item on the public Cloud product roadmap in the "after 2025" timeframe slot.
We're interested in hearing about your specific use cases and desired functionality to help inform our research and planning for the feature!
this is what i am trying to achieve:
Cloud EDMS deployment to backup data on on-premises storage for redundancy.
On-premises EDMS deployment to integrate and replicate to a cloud storage
Hi Oluwatosin,
No. There is no way to integrate a self-hosted/on-prem Laserfiche system with Laserfiche Cloud like that. There are no planned features for it either.
What problem are you looking to solve with this? Having a local copy of documents available in case of losing internet connectivity? Something else?