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Document Merge Rule

asked on November 26, 2024

Dear Laserfiche Support


Hope this finds you well. I am writing to ask for help in configuring a workflow to do Document Merge. Let me give you the background information:


  1. A seed producing company engages a farmer to be a seed grower
  2. The organisation employee fills the onboarding form capturing all info pertaining to that particular grower
  3. If successful the grower needs to sign a contract with the organisation.
  4. The grower signs a contract with the organisation


My question is:

How do I configure a Document Merge Rule and a Workflow to update the contract with variables from the onboarding form?

I have configured the Document Merge Rule and a workflow but I can not locate the updated contract doc with variables from the form.

Below are screen shots of the Document Merge Rule and the workflow.




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replied on November 26, 2024 Show version history


The way the Update Word Document Activity and the Run Rule activity running a Document Merge both work is that they will emit a reference to the newly merged document. You would then have to use an Attach Electronic Document activity to attach the newly merged document to an existing document in the repository. So that could look like this 

Also just to clarify from your workflow example - are you using the Update Word Document Activity to perform this merge, or a Document Merge Rule? They both perform merges but are somewhat different in configuration and functionality. Both will behave the same way in terms of needing to using an Attach Electronic Document activity, but the steps Zac put above are for the Update Word Document activity specifically. Document Merge Rule documentation is here.

Hope that helps!

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replied on November 26, 2024

Referencing the activities documentation

  1. Add the word document as a server attachment within the activity
  2. Make sure the document is selected in the "Source" of the activities settings
  3. Click the "New..." button under "Modifications"
  4. Select Type "Simple Field Merge" and then "Import Fields"
  5. Make sure the same document is selected in the dropdown
  6. Match fields from the document to tokens from your workflow
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replied on November 29, 2024

Thanks a lot Team, I have managed to configure using only the Update Word Doc. However my worry noew is I am not able to retrieve Signature, all other field are working fine except the signature. I cant find the signature variable when retrieving fields on a form.

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