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Is Laserfiche 12 backwards compatible

asked on November 25, 2024


Just doing planning and checking on some information, we have 4 different environments which is self hosted RIO. We have 1 LFDS Setup (In HA) that serves all our environments. Is Laserfiche 12 backward compatible, can I only upgrade to 12 (Forms, Workflow or Repository) once I have upgraded to LFDS 12?

Just trying to establish if we can upgrade certain products in phases, if not, can I upgrade LFDS to the latest version and then upgrade applications afterwards (not all at once)

I looked through the documentation, but it is something I could have potentially missed. 

Kind Regards,


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replied on November 27, 2024 Show version history

The ideal upgrade order is generally as follows:

  1. Directory Server
  2. (Install Admin Hub 12)
  3. Laserfiche Repository Server
  4. Forms and Workflow together
  5. Anything else that connects to Laserfiche Repository Server
  6. Anything else that doesn't connect to Laserfiche Repository Server


While core authentication flow and licensing checks should (I believe) still work with Directory Server 11, there's enough new functionality in the other applications that interacts with Directory Server that I would always want to upgrade it to 12 first.

Side note: With Directory Server 12, you should re-do the cluster Role to use the "Generic Service" resource type instead of the "Laserfiche Directory Service Resource" one. Turns out the health checks the "Laserfiche Directory Service Resource" role implements are unreliable and the "Generic Service" one does exactly what it needs.

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replied on January 21

Hi Samuel,


Just a follow up question, if we Upgrade Directory server to 12, would our other LF applications still work if they are version 11? Only reason for asking, we have several environments but only 1 LFDS. So we would want to do the following:

  1. LFDS to version 12
  2. Dev and UAT Environment to version 12
  3. Leave Production on version 11 till we are happy with Dev and UAT testing

If you can confirm that this will be okay please

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replied on January 21

Yes, this setup is supported.

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