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Repository DB user lookup

asked on November 25, 2024

I need to lookup the database user that LF Avante v11 uses to connect to the repo DB. We don´t have access to any LF app i.e. client, web client, admin console...  but we have access to the sql databases. 

We need to checkup which user it is using since it shows Error 9008: General database error.

Any ideas as to where that piece of data is kept? a config file or a db table perhaps... 

Any help will be appreciated

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replied on November 26, 2024 Show version history

It is (was) impossible to log into the repository or any other module, including Admin Console ("We don´t have access to any LF app i.e. client, web client, admin console...  ") i.e. we could not even see the repository and therefore, we could not change the DBMS... so, the real question here is if there is another method to actually see the DB user that LF is using to connect to the repo DB. 

At the end, problem was that the user that was being used to connect to the DB had a password expiration policy enabled (we don´t know how that happened or who...¿?) and it had expired.

We were able to see who the LF DB user was, in the event viewer in the LF ContentRepository section under Applications and Services Reg. BUT I´d like to know if there is a place where this information is kept, be it a .config or a .xml file somewhere in the LF install.  

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replied on November 26, 2024

Gotcha. That's in the registry, but the connection string is encrypted so not terribly helpful. Not sure there's anywhere better to look than the Event Viewer where you found it.

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replied on November 26, 2024

Pieter, thanks for the help. So, I guess I'll have to look in the Event Viewer if and when a similar case with this or other customer happens. Sigh...

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replied on November 25, 2024

When you say you don't have access to the Admin Console, do you mean that you are unable to log into the repository due to this issue? If you at least can bring up the Admin Console and see the repository, just not access it due to the DB issue, you may have luck right-clicking on the repository name and going into the option to change the DBMS connection. This should show you what it's using currently and give you the ability to fix it up.

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replied on November 26, 2024

The user that the LF Server users to connect to the DB would not be stored in the DB since it is needed before the connection to the DB is made.  The only place I know of to find this information is in the LF Admin Console.

You must log into the repository through the admin console (as an administrative user) and then look in the repository settings properties.

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