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Using IP Address Variable in Workflow

asked on November 12 Show version history

Hi all, 


I'm looking to embed the IP address in a forms submission. I am on Workflow and forms V11.


I have seen that in the documentation there is a variable {/dataset/_fs_submission_ip_address} however 1. The field data is not populating(I understand that under default submission its not there but it should still be stored in the variable.

2. When I pass it to workflow I can't see the variable to extract




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replied on November 12

On Forms side, the variable {/dataset/_fs_submission_ip_address} is for previous submission ip address, so it can only be used in later form to show the ip address for a previous user submission.

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replied on November 13

Ahh ok, thanks I missed that, it is working now

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replied on November 12

Hi Shan,

Feature Backlog item for Using IP Address Variable in Workflow has been created, #554285 and #554283. Thanks.

1 0
replied on November 13

Great, thank you

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