asked on November 11


I am trying to connect the Laserfiche cloud repository to the Laserfiche cloud API. More specifically through Laserfiche API I am trying to upload a document to LF Cloud. I followed the same steps as per the API Documentation from creating applications, getting client ID and secrets, finally added service principle account in LF repository but still getting the access denied issue cannot get customer details. the error is given below. It would be helpfull If you could show me how to setup or any demo video.

In laserfiche cloud api the error is given below
"type": "accessDenied",
"title": "Failed to get customer info.",
"status": 401,
"instance": "/repository/v2/Repositories/r-00026e84262c/Entries/1/Folder/Import",
"operationId": "1ad2fc317fad49c189d3256bc101d2ae",
"errorSource": "Api Server",
"errorCode": 201,
"traceId": "00-ad91a8433338480dbae9096757f6f6c8-1142e866630343ae-00"
