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Best practice for a migration of multi-repository on-prem to single repository cloud

posted on November 5, 2024

First question I have is are there any features in the migration software that make this easier than manually combining all repositories before migrating?

Otherwise I assume the approach is to export and import all documents into one repository on-prem first, then recreate all the users and security. Now migrate to Cloud as normal.

The security would be the most difficult part without a way to map it over.

This is why I am wondering if the migration utility to Cloud has any features to successively import repositories with the user mapping feature. Then we could just create all the users in the new cloud system and run the import against each repository.

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replied on November 6, 2024

Multi-Repository support is on the Laserfiche Cloud roadmap for 2025. If you are looking into merging multiple self-hosted repositories into one solely because Cloud currently only supports one and not for other business reasons, I'd just wait a little for multi-repository support.

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replied on November 6, 2024

This sounds nightmarish.  Merging all the metadata would also involve a lot of sorting out as well if you were going to put everything in one repository prior to migration.  

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replied on November 6, 2024

Yea it will be a manual effort. In general the rare environments that host multiple repositories will want to keep them separate when it is more cost effective in Cloud.

An alternate repository isn't just another storage location, it is another complete Laserfiche system no different than having 2 servers.

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