With Quick Fields Agent we are able to schedule Quick Fields sessions to run, much like scheduling a workflow to run using a scheduled starting rule. It would be great if we had the option to configure a Quick Fields session to run based on starting rule conditions like we can do with Workflow as well. This would give more flexibility in how a QF session could be started, such as once a document has been created or moved into a folder instead of waiting for the schedule. If it is easier, allowing Workflow to invoke a Quick Fields Agent session would also work.
replied on October 29
I would love to see both of those options as well. Not only would it be great to be able to set conditions and/or invoke it from workflow but I would love to have something that would check to see if there are any documents in the repository folder first before running the session. I know if there are no documents, the session will only run for a few seconds or less but I can see the advantage of having a smaller session history to look through if troubleshooting, and only being able to run so many sessions at once, it could reduce the queue of sessions waiting to run.
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