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Copying files from one folder to another

asked on October 28, 2024

If you open two copies of Laserfiche, you cannot copy from one to the other. I don't feel like this has always been the case. If you drag and drop it essentially does an export/import process.

This is inconvenient at best for some of our users, as they have a hotkey from another system that opens Laserfiche and does a search. When they do this, it's effectively isolated from other Laserfiche windows they have open.

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replied on October 29, 2024 Show version history

I just tested this in Laserfiche 11 with the Desktop and Web Client with no issue. You can write from Repository A to Repository A in different tabs or applications. You are unable to write from Repository A to Repository B in the Web Client but you can in the Desktop Client. I hope this helps.


UPDATE: I did my testing with Drag and Drop, I was unable to do so with Copy and Paste.

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replied on October 30, 2024

Interesting. I've got 10.4 Desktop loaded on my machine because I need the PhotoDocs app. My user who reported (and where I first verified) this is running 11.0.2301.262 (desktop)

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replied on October 30, 2024

My fault. I just did drag and drop, not copy and paste. You are correct, I cannot Copy and then paste into a new repository.

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