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OCR Engine Not Working in SDK

asked on October 10

I am using the SDK version 10.4 and cannot get OCR to work with pages or PDF files. The documents are already created and have pages/PDFs assigned to them.

I run the following code against a valid page with text:

     OcrEngine ocr = OcrEngine.LoadEngine();
     ocr.Run(lfDocNew, new PageSet(pageNum.ToString()));
   catch (Exception ex)
     result.ErrorMessage = "OCR Error on page " + pageNum + ": " + ex.Message;

And get this error thrown:


"Interface not registered"

Stack Trace:

    at BPIClientLib.IBPProcessEx.Process(IBPPageEx pUnkPage)
   at Laserfiche.DocumentServices.OcrEngine.ProcessImage(String imagePath, DocumentInfo document, PageInfo page)
   at Laserfiche.DocumentServices.OcrEngine.ProcessPage(DocumentInfo document, PageInfo page)
   at Laserfiche.DocumentServices.OcrEngine.Run(DocumentInfo document, PageSet pages)
   at mviLFPost.LFRAPostEngine.AssignPages(LFDocumentInfo DocInfo, DocumentInfo lfDocNew, DocumentImporter importer, PostResult& result) in C:\vs\mvidev\mvi\Dev\Laserfiche Integration\SVR\mviLFPost\mviLFPost\LFRAPostEngine.cs:line 1381


When I run the following code with a PDF electronic document, it does not extract text nor does it throw any error.

        using (TextExtractor te = TextExtractor.LoadExtractor())
      catch (Exception ex)
        result.ErrorMessage = "Error extracting text for electronic document: " + ex.Message; // Don't fail on entire import if text is not extracted.

Am I missing a required component to run OCR when importing with the 10.4 SDK?  Relying on Workflow after the fact really slows down the server when importing many documents.

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replied on November 14

Here is an SDK log file which posts two PDF documents and runs the Text Extract. Can you please provide guidance why the OCR is not working? Are there additional components that need to be on the machine besides the LF SDK? Thank you.

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