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Update Word Document table

asked on October 9


I need to populate a Word document table from a multivalued token.  Is there a way to create a new table row for each line of data?



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replied on October 9 Show version history

Hi Thomas; is this in Cloud?

If it's in Cloud then there's a walkthrough you can download from here:

You need to use an intermediary Data Look-up Table... populate it with the 'lines' from your Forms table, then look them up in the Workflow to populate the Word Doc.

This isn't ideal, as in Self-Hosted you can just use the 'Retrieve Business Process Variables' or Input Variables to push your table's multi-values into the Workflow.

If it's self-hosted, then there's a 'how to' article here:

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replied on October 11

Hi Duncan,

Yep, that was the article I found.  Issue has been resolved.  Thanks!

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